Hello my beaaautiful friends,
Today I want to draw on two client examples that you may relate to.
I had one client in particular who is very talented, very well connected, very experienced.
but…money was feeling hard and inconsistent.
we spent the call time exploring many interconnected threads.
digging into…
~an exhausted relationship to social media
~wanting to avoid tediously long client contracts at all costs
~not wanting or willing to give up their time spaciousness for more money
a word that came up often on the call was….commitment. and the word i love...devotion.
Something I see with my clients sometimes is…
1.their verbalization of what they desire…with no backed up devotion for it.
ORRRRR in other cases
2. spending their energy devoted in the wrong places and wondering where the f their reward is at.
Steep this🍵:
On a call to create a customized hypnotic track for my other client…she said “i'd love to have a private chef, personal trainer, new house, new car and a nanny”.
I reply with EXCITEMENT. “fantastic, yes, yes, yes tell me more, what else??"
and then she said “so lets make this hypnotic track for 10k months"
SKKKKRRRRRT. no mam. That lifestyle, that vision doesn't happen with 10k months.
so we have a laugh and dig into the fact that her vision actually calls for a BIGGER commitment. And therefore BIGGER devotion to not only molding her unconscious mind but strategically taking correct action towards that vision.
she gets to raise her prices,
she gets to create a no brainer evergreen suite
she gets to create a scalable revenue blueprint
she gets to make access to her more premium
So yes I can give you the hypnosis. i can share the truth bombs with you. I can illuminate where you're sabotaging yourself.
AND- you absolutely have to be committed to taking the appropriate action.
The medicine🌀:
1. If you do not have the energy to take the brave devoted steps towards your vision..
If you do not have the desire to put in the sometimes hard, unsex.y, work….
If you are not willing to 'give up' your time or resources for the thing you say you want…
baaaabyyyyyy. let me tell you…you may need a new vision…..because the correct vision, the correct desire- will open up excitement and energy for you to brave the unknown where you'll organically fall into synchronicity and make the investments to support it. because you there is no plan b back up plan. you're all in for the vision.
2. may have the correct vision and the devotion in their heart is strong…but you have burnt out the commitment it takes to do the small tedious steps because you're efforting in the wrong direction.
like a projector who thinks they need to approach content like their sacral mentor who posts all day every day
like the sacral being who is trying to initiate everything in their life like their conditioning tell them to.
like the reflector who is surrounded by a poor misaligned environment, amplifying the exact opposite of what they want
like the manifestor who is receiving constant push back from people because they haven't properly informed
Conclusively: those of you who fall into the first category get to re-imagine what they actually want. make sure you're not pushing for a dream that isn't even yours…it shouldn't feel like you're forcing energy towards something that is supposed to be correct for you.
and those of you who fall into the second category get to be properly guided and truly seen, to assess where you're making things harder than they need to be, find more efficient and energy rich ways to show up for yourself and your business.
both require you to be really really honest with yourself.
Today i'm sipping on a custom blend…dandelion, ginger, hibiscus and licorice.
We've been prepping the house today for a visit from my mother in law tomorrow, whom i loveeee and then a visit from two friends at the end of the week.
Also im so excited to share that in two weeks time i'll be spending a week in Cusco (sacred valley) with some soul sisters!!… and then i'll spend nearly a month in London come October. (where i'll get to be around fellow tea aficionados hehe + friends from the online space i'll finally get to squeezeeee)
I hope you are alllll enjoying the richness of your life and are remembering to really savor it <3