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Everyone has an Oracle within them
You might look around and beg to differ, I would’ve too!
But here’s the thing, after 8+ years of professionally practicing all things Energy Healing, Hypnosis, Past Life Clearing and Mindset Work, I realized….

My clients who actually did the internal work, became more Intuitive over time (like psychic intuitive) and experienced huge up levels...why?

Because they excitedly aligned every aspect of their lives with their true north, through their Intuition.


And I’m not talking Intuition in terms of just having a “gut feeling”, my clients have been able to:

- have contact with their own spirit team
- receive precise downloads on all things career, love and family
- clear their karmic and lineage patterning
- manifest from a place of energy mastery
- psychic gifts initiating and deepening
- understanding of who they are and all of their shadows and gifts


So...Why this matters for the Awakened Business Leader?


Your strategy and framework have gotten you this far in both life and business.
And it’s been great!

BUTTTT your next level, the next iteration of YOU, this New World that we are creating requires a deeper understanding of Energy and not just anybody’s but YOURS.
Your specific genius, magic, gifts and personal mastery.


Why has our old world leadership dismantled?

Because there are alot of unembodied “leaders' ' who have no idea how to FEEL, how to channel and how to create from their innermost soul.

The work MUST start with you.

Want to see more growth, ease and excitement in EVERY area of your life?


The Only Way Out Is Through


This is...the Initiation



The New Paradigm is calling for more Intuition and less boxes. This can feel really scary for those who aren't entirely in touch with their Intuition. The good news is, everyone on this planet has gifts to offer, psychic abilities and access to deep levels of healing.


You could learn emotional integration & feedback tools, so that you can masterfully process all parts of your inner Youniverse, to make room for more Innovation.

You could live as your Highest Self, here and now. Learn how to source your power through experiencing the depth of your Soul’s total expression.  

You didn't just rely on your (incredible) intellect but activated and integrated your unused potential.
Your Astral (psychic) Gifts & Unique Thrive Codes.  



 Allow your Intuition to become your Superpower.
You get to be the Oracle of your OWN life.




What if you could unlock the TRUE information that's needed for your next level of growth in ALL aspects of your life...your romantic relationships, your business, your soul’s expansion?

In a world where everyone claims to have the latest and most upgraded spiritual codes and activations, I’m here to tell you...all of the Magic YOU need to know, is found through the Oracle system that is YOUR body.

The most divine vessel you will ever YOU

Truth is RELATIVE. And not everyone’s truth is for you to consume.

The wealth, love, health and pleasure codes your next level needs, can only be discovered INTERNALLY

I come from a lineage of closeted intuitives, healers and mystics. Their gifts and voice were suppressed and hidden for generations.

So the medicine I need is going to be very different than someone who is just discovering their gifts and isn’t carrying shame wounding. Make sense?

You see My truth isn’t your truth. BUT what you're being sold, is people selling the shit out of THEIR truth (as awesome as it is), and trying to move you through what worked for THEM.

The Initiation is a 6 month mentorship, dedicated to what YOU need.

Your lineage

Your soul’s contracts

Your intuitive gifts

Your power

Your guides

Your healing

Your purpose

Integrated, Grounded and Manifested into something tangible.

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Image by Makenna Entrikin

who is this for?

intuition course

You Woke Up, Now What?

More than just "psychic development"

This is about being the Explorer on this journey of your inner Youniverse. Release the false security blanket you have created and establish new spiritual values as you expand into all of who you are and learn what YOU need.

We carry generational trauma and pain. AND we also carry gifts and wisdom in our auric field. This is your time to alchemize what is no longer serving you and activate what is yours to OWN, here and now.

As the innovative mind that you are, it is very important to learn how to Intuitively feel your way around what is your Truth and what is Falsehood. This is how you create space for your visionary ideas to "drop in" and lead us into 5D Living.

You are here for two missions. To live a life fully expressed and to be apart of the league of women who are channeling innovative concepts into reality, tapped into their intuitive power and are uplifting humanity just by BEING in your Gift. 

You'll Receive...

20 Curated Modules 
Masterclass Activations covering uniquely curated topics to learn:
 Expert Energetic Practices
-Embodiment Tools
-Practical exercises for you to start integrating your  developing gifts 

That is 32 videos &18 PDF's


24 Curated Modules 
Masterclass Activations covering uniquely curated topics to learn Expert Energetic Practices, Embodiment Tools and practical exercises for you to start integrating your psychic gifts immediately.

THAT IS  42 videos & 23 PDF's


(this is done via zoom on two 60min calls)

The beginning journey to developing your gifts begins with understanding what is separating you from your innate power. These modules have been hand selected in a specific order and lays the foundation to self exploration. 
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comments from those who have worked with nathaly in the past

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20 Curated Modules 
Masterclass Activations covering uniquely curated topics to learn:
 Expert Energetic Practices
-Embodiment Tools
-Practical exercises for you to start integrating your  developing gifts 

THAT IS 32 videos & 18 PDFs


+Discounted link to purchase integration calls if desired


24 Curated Modules 
Masterclass Activations covering uniquely curated topics to learn Expert Energetic Practices, Embodiment Tools and practical exercises for you to start integrating your psychic gifts immediately.


(this is done via zoom on two 60min calls)

THAT IS  42 videos & 23 PDF's

+Discounted link to purchase integration calls if desired



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